Munir Elias 20-12-2013
Surgical group is like a football team.

Most of the site will reflect the ongoing surgical activity of Prof. Munir Elias MD., PhD. with brief slides and weekly activity. For reference to the academic and theoretical part, you are welcome to visit  neurosurgery.tv



The patient came 02-Sptember-2006 complaining of weak four limbs . The weakness started in both lower limbs 2 months ago and 2 weeks ago noticed weak upper limbs. He was treated for "Guillain-Barre syndrome" , but MRI of the brain and cervical spine revealed severe compression at C3-4 level with malacia of the spinal cord at that level with scattered lacunar infarcts both cerebral hemispheres.

On examination: the patient had neck pain when looking to the left, upward  with weak both deltoids 4/5 biceps brachii 3/5 and triceps 3/5 and grip right hand2/5 and left hand 4/5 and extension both hands 2/5, quadriceps femoris both 4/5 abduction and adduction of the knees 4/5. dorsiflexion both feet 3/5 and planterflexion both feet 4/5  with hypalgesia median distribution right upper limb and C5 dermatome left upper limb and entire left lower limb and above the ankle of the right foot with severe atrophy of the interossii both hands and both gastrocnemius muscles both forelegs. The patient sent another time for MRI cervical spine, which revealed compression at C3-4 and C5-6.

Discectomy of C3-4 was performed and during that, there was a feeling of instability, for what fusion was performed after decompression at that level. Discectomy of C5-6 was done and check for instability was negative.

Prompt postoperative recovery.


1. The patient had severe atrophy of the interossii and the forelegs muscles. This mean, that his pathological process was very old and the clinical signs of functional failure got place as the patient mentioning.

2. It was very surprisingly, that the patient got full power of his four limbs, despite the fact, that his problem is an old one. There are common rules, but there are exceptions and his case is an exception.

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